For enrolled students, the online presence for this course is available on Blackboard which can be accessed through normal means (MyRedDragon).
“The sediments are a sort of epic poem of the Earth. When we are wise enough perhaps we can read in them all of past history”
Rachel Carson, 1951
The purpose of this course is for students to learn how ancient environments may be reconstructed by interpreting sedimentary rocks and the processes of sedimentation. This broad goal can be divided into three course objectives: that the student by the end of the course (i) is, using a variety of techniques, able to recognize and describe the physical properties of common sedimentary rocks and sedimentary structures in hand samples and in thin section; (ii) becomes knowledgeable in the basic principles governing sedimentological processes in modern environments, and (iii) is able integrate observations from sedimentary rocks and stratigraphic sequences and formulate interpretations of ancient depositional environment(s).
Dr. Christopher McRoberts
1010 Bowers Hall