Research Interests
radio and television news, film analysis, news analysis, digital culture, cultural studies, girls studies, anarchist studies, punk studies, disaster studies, and social movements.
National Endowment for the Humanities Development, “Beyond Ink & Paint: The Women of Animation” with Christine Guest, Ithaca College. $75,000.
Center for News Champion Grant, 2023. $1000.
Donaghey, J. Boisseau, W., & Kaltefleiter, C. (2024). DIY orDie! Anarchism, Punk, and the Do It Together ethic in Cultural Production and Autonomous Spaces. Bristol, UK: Active Publishers.
Donaghey, J. Kaltefleiter, C. & Boisseau, W. (2022). Smash the System: Punk Anarchism! Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance. Bristol, UK: Active Publishers.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Kaltefleiter, C. (2025, forthcoming) “Priestess of Punk: Exene Cervenka, Anarcha-Feminism, Anti-War Actions, and The Riot Grrrl Connection” in Women, Punk, and Anarchism. Donaghey, J, Boisseau, W. and Kaltefleiter, C. (Eds.) Bristol, UK: Active Publishers.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2024). “Tied to the Loom: Alienation in the Neoliberal Academy, Anarcha-Feminism, and a Politics of Resistance and Care” in Resisting Neoliberal Schooling: Dismantling the Rubricization and Corporatization of Higher Education, A. Nocella (Ed.).Kaltefleiter, C. (2023, forthcoming). “(Re)visiting a Girl in The Routledge Companion to Girls’ Studies, S. Mazzarella (Ed). London: Routledge.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2023). “We Are the Faculty: Organizing for Solidarity and Community in Higher Education.” Special Issue of Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2023, Spring). “Dive In: Transformative Education, Direct Action, and Innovative Media Strategies in an (Inter)Collegiate Partnership to Save a Community Pool.” Theory in Action. Volume 15. Issue 5
Kaltefleiter, C., Robinson, J. & Ponirakis, J. (2022) “Squid Game and Student Debt Resistance: A Politics of Self-Care, Creativity, and Collection Action in the Neoliberal University” in Care, Climate, and Debt: Transdisciplinary Problems and Possibilities. B. Wilson (Ed). Basingstoke, UK: Springer Publishing.
Kaltefleiter C. (2021). “Care and Crisis in David Graeber’s New York: Anarcha-Feminism, Gift Economies, and Mutual Aid Beyond a Global Pandemic” Anthropological Notebooks. Volume 27. Issue 3. 115-135. Special Volume dedicated to the late David Graeber.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2019) Learning to Labor: (Anarcha)Feminism, The Myth of Meritocracy, Incivility, and Resistance for Women in the NeoLiberal Academy” in Neoliberalism and Academic Repression: The Fall of Academic Freedom in the Era of Trump.” Leiden, Netherlands, Brill Publishers
Kaltefleiter, C. & Alexander, K. (2019). “(Self)Care and Community: Black Girls Saving Themselves.” In Black Girls and Black Girlhoods. A. Halliday (Ed). Toronto, CA: Canadian Scholars Women’s University Press.
Kaltefleiter C. (2016). “Start Your Own Revolution: Agency and Action of the Riot Grrrl Movement.” International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy.” Vol 36. Issue: 11/12, 808-823.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2012). “Anarchy in the Academy: Staying True to Anarchism as An Academic Activist.” In Anarchist Pedagogies: Collective Actions, Theories and Critical Reflections on Education. R. Haworth (Ed.). San Francisco: PM Press.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2012). “We Are All Hokies in a Post-Virginia Tech World: The Use of New Technologies and Surveillance Culture On College Campuses ” in Policing the Campus: U.S. Higher Education and the Culture of Terror.” J. Del Gandio (Ed). New York: Peter Lang.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2011). “Currency and Café Anarchy: Do-It-Yourself Economics and Resistance to Global Capitalism.” In An Economy of Sustainability: Anarchist Economics. AK Press.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2010). “16 & Pregnant: Media Mommy Tracking and the Cultural Exploitation of Teenage Pregnancy” in Hollywood’s Exploited. S. Best, R. Van Heertum, & R. Kahn (Eds). London: Palgrave.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2010). “The Carceral Society: From the Prison Tower to the Ivory Tower” in Academic Repression: Reflections from the Academic Industrial Complex. S. Best, P. McLaren & A. Nocella (Eds). Oakland, CA: AK Press.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2009). “Anarchy Grrrl Style Now: Riot Grrrl Actions and Practices” in Contemporary Anarchist Studies. R. Amster (Ed). London: Routledge UK Press.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Kaltefleiter, C. (2024). “Anticipatory Futures: Anarcha-Feminism, Care and Mutual Aid Beyond Crises.” Philosophies (in progress).
Kaltefleiter: “Remembering Winter Hours: From “Hyacinth Girl “to “Broken Little Man” and the Alternative Music Scenes that Supported Them.”
Kaltefleiter, C. “On/Off Air: College Radio and Mixed Tapes”
Kaltefleiter, C. “Live Like Jack: Holistic Learning, Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Media Education”
Grant, D. & C. Kaltefleiter. “Struggle Together: (Re)Embracing a Legacy of Mutual Aid and Radical Care in Communities of Color.”
Selected Invited Talks and Conference Presentations
Kaltefleiter, C. (2024, November). “Anarchism and Aspirations: An Anarchist Studies Discussio of the film The Accidental Anarchist.” SUNY Cortland.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2024, April). “WaterTok Girls: The Politics of the Stanley Cup Craze, Platform Capitalism, and Girls’ Consumption Practices in Everyday Day Life.” The Mundanity of Girlhood: Pleasure, Play, & the Everyday, Girlhood Studies Collective Symposium. Rutgers University.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2023, April). “We’re All Going to the 40 Watt: Punk Sustainability and Women’s Experiences in the Athens, GA Music Scene 1980-1990.” International Subcultures Conference. University of West England, Bristol, United Kingdom.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2023, February). “Prefiguration and (COVID) Care: Anarcha-Feminism, Trebled Reflexivity, and Mutual Aid.” 9th Annual Transformative Justice and Abolition Criminology Conference. Virtual.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, September). “Post-Capital: Art and the Economics of the Digital Age.”Royal Danish Academy of Art in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, September). “Care Protesting Care Protesting” at the Kunstal Charlottenborg, Royal Danish Academy of Art in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, August). Smash the System Book Panel. Co-Moderator. Anarchist Studies Network Conference. Virtual Conference
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, August). “Reimagining Anarchism and Care: Prefiguration, Anarcha-Feminism, Trebled Reflexivity, and Mutual Aid.” Anarchist Studies Network Conference. Loughborough University, United Kingdom.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, July). “Stitchcraft: Punk Sustainability and Women’s Roles in the Cultivation of Music Scenes and Spaces of Resistance.” Keep it Simple. Make it Fast Conference. Porto, Portugal.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, June). “Priestess of Punk: Exene Cervenka and the Riot Grrrl Connection. Invited Talk. Women in Punk Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Invited Talk.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, June). Future Shock: An Ontological Analysis of Climate Change and Fluidity of Childhood. St John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK. Virtual Talk.
Kaltefleiter, (2022, March). “Care and Crisis: Through the Lens of David Graeber.” Transformative Justice Conference. Virtual.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, March). Care and Crisis in New York: The Social Situation of Women, Anarcha-Feminism, and Mutual Aid During the COVID-19 Pandemic. “Community, Care, and Crisis”. Global Conference on Women and Gender. Christopher Newport University. Virtual Conference.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2022, February). Care and Crisis in David Graeber’s New York: Anarcha-Feminism and Mutual Aid . 8th Annual Transformative Justice and Abolition Criminology Conference. Salt Lake College, Utah. Virtual Conference.
Kaltefleiter, C., Adams, M., Bourg, N., Esposito, T. & Winn, L. (2021, October). The Bonnie Bike Project: A Discussion of a Mutual Aid Project in Central New York. New York State Communication Association. Accepted, Not Presented due to COVID.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2021, June). The Art of Dissent Film Presentation, Moderator with Filmmaker, James La Suer. BlackBird Film Festival.Kaltefleiter, C. (2021, March). Care, Crisis, and a Politics of Resilience: Anarcha-Feminism and Mutual Aid During the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York. Political Science Association, United Kingdom. Virtual
Kaltefleiter, C. (2021, February). Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During this Crisis and the Next. An Evening with Dean Spade, Associate Professor of Law, Seattle University. Organizer/Moderator. Virtual Discussion.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2020, September). Care and Crisis in New York: The Social Situation of Women, Anarcha-Feminism, and Mutual Aid During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Anarchist Studies Network 6th Annual Conference, Virtual Conference UK
Kaltefleiter, C. & Alexander, K. (2020, June). “(Self)Care, Mental Health and Community: Black Girls Saving Themselves.” International Childhood Studies Conference, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Canceled due to COVID.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2020 May). Invited Talk: Caring in Uncaring Times : Virtual Roundtable Discussion. ATGENDER Digital Conference, Middlesex University, UK. Virtual Talk.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2020, June). “The Politics of Trigger Warnings and (Media)Consumption.” . International Childhood Studies Conference, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. Canceled due to COVID.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2020, April). “The Politics of Trigger Warnings and (Media)Consumption.” Moderator With Tazmara Anderson, Shannon Delaney, Julia Niedziela & Saadatu Watson,. 11th Annual Student Conference on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice.”
Kaltefleiter, C. (2020, March). Invited Talk: “Care” Keyword Panel Presenter, . Cultural and Intellectual Climate Committee
Kaltefleiter, C. (2019, February). Sista Grrrls Riot: Phantom Power, Liminality, Translocution to Resist Racism and Fascism.” . International Girls Studies Association Conference. University of Notre Dame. South Bend, IN.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2019, October). Anarcha-Feminism and Sista Grrrls Riot: Liminality and Translocution to Resist Racism and Fascism.” Anarchist Studies Network Annual Conference Loughborugh University, Loughborough UK.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2018, November). Invited Talk: Capital” Keyword Panel Discussant, Marking the 100th Birthday of Karl Marx. Cultural and Intellectual Climate Series. SUNY Cortland November 13.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2018, September). Invited Talk: “Media Coverage of Representation of Prisons and Inmates Involved with the Strike.”. “National Prison Strike: A Teach-In.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2018, June). “Making Responsible (Social) Media.”. League of Women Voters Annual Awards Ceremony, Cortland NY.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2018, June). “Anarchy Action, & Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy for Girls in Neoliberal Times”. North American Anarchist Association, Montreal CA
Kaltefleiter, C. (2018, April). “Women in Film Presentation.” Moderator. Blackbird Film Festival. State University of New York at Cortland. Cortland, NY.
Kaltefleiter, C. (2018, March). Invited Talk. “Juno and Ladybird: Cultivating Liberated Girlhood with the #MeToo Movement.” Park School of Communication, Ithaca College, Ithaca NY
Kaltefleiter, C. (2017, April). “Embrace the Gap: Liminality, Riot Grrrls, Feminist Utopianism, and (Trans)locution.” Imaginaries of the Future Leverhulme International Symposium, Utopia after the Human. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY.