Articles in Progress
- Jones, J. W. (2023). “Selves in Need of Advancement”: Dewey, Occupations, and the Lingering Influence of Herbartian Concepts on Dewey’s Philosophy of Education.
- Submitted to Education and Culture, (accepted, pending revisions).
- This article juxtaposes John Dewey’s explicitly anti-racist pronouncements with his praise of a school for Black children whose curriculum focused on vocational skills, a type of education that Dewey famously opposed. In this article, I explore what this might mean for Dewey’s implicit understanding of race and the potentials of different types of people.
- Jones, J. W. (2023). Revolution-in-a-Box: A Reexamination of KONY2012 as Orthopractical Propaganda.
- Draft included
- In this paper I examine the viral social media campaign, KONY2012, and discuss how it reveals the evolution of propaganda in our new media environment. KONY2012 was a campaign that urged youth to participate in a social movement to oppose an African warlord, Joseph Kony, by pressuring the US government to authorize the use of the American military in Africa. I argue in this piece that this episode demonstrates the impossibility of conceptualizing propaganda in simplistic oppositional binaries such as good/bad, or truth/lie.
- Jones, J. W. (2023). Propaganda, Netwar, and Revolution: The Case of Zunzuneo.
- Draft included
- This piece examines similar theoretical positions to the above paper about KONY2012. The central thrust of this paper is that an example of the actual attempts to shape public opinions and actions by the US government reveals that propaganda is not simply a collection of “disinformation” or “conspiracy theories” used to deceive the credulous and the uneducated but is rather a genre of political speech and action that is crucial to the maintenance of modern liberal democracy.
- Tzirides, A. O., Saini, A., Zapata, G. C., Searsmith, D., Cope, B., Kalantzis, M., Castro, V., Kourkoulou, T., Jones, J., Abrantes da Silva, R., Whiting, J., & Kastania, N. P. (2023). Generative AI: Implications and applications for education. Arxiv, 2305.07605.
- This is an article co-written with some colleagues based at the University of Illinois and at institutions around the world. I authored the section on AI and inclusivity. This article was submitted to Educational Researcher but was not picked up. It is now published on arXiv while the group re-edits it and looks for a new publisher.
- Jones, J. W. (2023). “Stoic Philosophy and Resilience in Education: Can Philosophy Help to Slow Teacher Attrition?“. Journal of School and Society 9(1). pp. 25-34.
- This article addresses the problem of teacher burnout and attrition and the role, if any, philosophy can play during teacher education to prepare future teachers for the stresses of the profession. In the article I critique programs that seek to increase teacher/student “resilience” and offer the example of stoicism, the school of ancient Greek philosophy that produces ultra-resilient individuals, but ultimately eschews any attempts to change stressful environments.
- Jones, J. W., and Lazare, S. (2012). Marketing agency, branding hope: War, kony, and “three cups of tea”. Jadaliyya.,-Branding-Hope-War,-Kony,-and-Three-Cups-of-Tea
Book Chapters
- Jones, J. W., & Lazare, S. (2013). Marketing agency, branding hope: War, kony, and “three cups of tea”. In Fitzpatrick, M., Kozma, A., Lamers, N., McCarthy, C., Palma-Millanao, K., (Eds.), Mobilized identities: Mediated subjectivity and cultural crisis in the neoliberal era (pp. 257-269). Common Ground Publishing.
- John, J. W. (2023). “White Hands and Immaterial Labor: The Role of Knowledge Workers in the Political Landscape of Nascent Neo-Feudalism”. In McCarthy, C., (Ed.), A World of Contradictions: Culture and Identity in the Roiling of Globalization. (Forthcoming, late 2024)
- AI in Education: Some Thoughts about Ethics, Equity, and Social Impact. In Kourkoulou, D., Tzirides, O., Kalantzis, M., Cope, W., (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence and Education: Where Human Learning Meets Learning Machines. Springer (Forthcoming, late 2024).
- In this article I talk about the explosion in interest in AI and its applications in education. I begin by surveying the current state of AI in education. I then present some cases of the poor application of AI in other areas that led to negative outcomes for marginalized individuals. I offer some concrete examples of how educators can avoid these pitfalls.
- AI, Language, and Education: Bias and Prejudice in Text and Corpus Analysis. in Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Professor Michael A. Peters, Richard Heraud (Eds). Springer. (Forthcoming)
Conference Papers
- (2024) Fake News, Post-Truth, and the New Propaganda. delivered at the Philosophy of Education annual conference, Salt Lake City, UT (March 8).
- In this paper I problematize the recent focus on combating “disinformation”, “misinformation” and “malinformation”. I start by discussing the lack of clarity on the definitions of commonly used terms like “fake news” and “Post-Truth age”, and then I proceed to show how, until quite recently, many of those who know decry “alternative facts” and “post-truth” were themselves instrumental in the theoretical project to challenge “truth” as a result of social power relations.
- (2024) Response to “White Ignorance and Attention in the Age of Digital Technologies“, by A. C. Nikolaidis and Henry Lara-Steidel for PES annual Conference. (Forthcoming).
- I have agreed to write a response to this article, written by Drs. Nikolaidis and Lara-Steidel, which shall be published in the proceedings of the society. Since This article is not my own work, I did not post a sample of it here, but I have included the letter from the president of the Philosophy of Education Society acknowledging my acceptance of the role of respondent to this article.
As Editor/Co-Editor
- (2025). Generative AI Technologies in Education (Special Issue). Gabriela Zapata and John Jones (Eds). Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal. Common Ground (Forthcoming).
- I am a co-editor of an upcoming special issue of the journal, Ubiquitous Learning, which shall contain contributions relating to the impact of AI on education and society. I have included the letter of invitation from the publisher and also the proposal for the special issue, which was written by my co-author and myself.