46. Jin, L., C. Rampley, Y. Abebe, P.G. Whitehead, T.Q. To, D. Ager, 2023. Assessing heavy metal contamination using biosensors and a multi-branch Integrated Catchment Model in the Awash River Basin, Ethiopia, Water, 15(23), 4073; https://doi.org/10.3390/w15234073
45. Abebe, Y., P.G. Whitehead, T. Alamirew, L. Jin, E. Alemayehu, 2023. Evaluating the effects of geochemical and anthropogenic factors on the concentration and treatability of heavy metals in Awash River and Lake Beseka, Ethiopia: Arsenic and Molybdenum issues. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, 1188, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-023-11674-z
44. Bussi, G., S. Shawal, M.A. Hossain, P.G. Whitehead, L. Jin, 2023. Multibranch modelling of flow and water quality in the Dhaka River System, Bangladesh: Impacts of future development plans and climate change. Water, 15(17), 3027, https://doi.org/10.3390/w15173027.
43. Jin, L., P.G. Whitehead, G. Bussi, F. Hirpa, M.T. Taye, Y. Abebe, K. Charles, 2021. Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Salinity in the Awash River and Lake Beseka (Ethiopia): Modelling Impacts of Climate Change and Lake-River Interactions, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 36, 100865. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100865
42. Whitehead, P.G., Z. Mimouni, D. Butterfield, G. Bussi, M.A. Hossain, R. Peters, S. Shawal, P. Holdship, C.P.N. Rampley, L. Jin, D. Ager, 2021. A New Multibranch Model for Metals in River Systems: Impacts and Control of Tannery Wastes in Bangladesh. Sustainability, 13(6), 3556. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063556
41. Bussi, G., P.G. Whitehead, L. Jin, M.T. Taye, E. Dyer, F.A. Hirpa, Y. Abebe, K.J. Charles, 2021. Impacts of climate change and population growth on river nutrient loads in a data scarce region: the upper Awash River (Ethiopia). Sustainability, 13, 1254. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031254
40. Bussi, G., S.E. Darby, P.G. Whitehead, L. Jin, S.J. Dadson, H.E. Voepel, G. Vasilopoulos, C.R. Hackney, C. Hutton, T. Berchoux, D.R. Parsons, A. Nicholas, 2020. Impact of dams and climate change on suspended sediment flux to the Mekong delta. Science of the Total Environment, 755, 1, 142468. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142468
39. Rampley, C.P.N., P.G. Whitehead, L. Softley, M.A. Hossain, L. Jin, J. David, S. Shawal, P. Das, I.P. Thompson, W.E. Huang, R. Peters, P. Holdship, R. Hope, G. Alabaster, 2020. River toxicity assessment using molecular biosensors: Heavy metal contamination in the Turag-Balu-Buriganga river systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment, 703: 134760.
38. Abebe, Y. and L. Jin, 2020. Impact of Lake Beseka on the Water Quality of Awash River, Ethiopia. American Journal of Water Resources, 8(1), 21-30. DOI: 10.12691/ajwr-8-1-3.
37. Whitehead, P.G., G. Bussi, R. Peters, M.A. Hossain, L. Softley, S. Shawal, L. Jin, C.P.N. Rampley, P. Holdship, R. Hope, G. Alabaster, 2019. Modelling heavy metals in the Buriganga River System, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Impacts of tannery pollution control. Science of the Total Environment, 697: 134090.
36. Gregory T. Carling, Edwin A. Romanowicz, Li Jin, Diego P. Fernandez, David G. Tingey, and Timothy H. Goodsell, 2019. Redox conditions and pH control trace element concentrations in a meandering stream and shallow groundwater of a semiarid mountain watershed, Red Canyon, Wyoming, USA. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78: 510.
35. Whitehead, P.G., L. Jin, G. Bussi, H.E. Voepel, S.E. Darby, G. Vasilopoulos, R. Manley, H. Rodda, C. Hutton, C. Hackney, Van Pham DangTri, N.N. Hung, 2019. Water quality modelling of the Mekong River basin: Climate change and socioeconomics drive flow and nutrient flux changes to the Mekong Delta. Science of the Total Environment, 673, 218-229.
34. Crossman, J., M.N. Futter, J.A. Elliott, P.G. Whitehead, L. Jin, P.J. Dillon, 2019. Optimizing land management strategies for maximum improvements in lake dissolved oxygen concentrations. Science of the Total Environment, 652, 382-397.
33. Lu, W., A. Ridgwell, E. Thomas, D.S. Hardisty, G. Luo, T.J. Algeo, M.R. Saltzman, B.C. Gill, Y. Shen, H-F. Ling, C.T. Edwards, M.T. Whalen, X. Zhou, K.M. Gutchess, L. Jin, R.E.M. Rickaby, H.C. Jenkyns, T.W. Lyons, T.M. Lenton, L.R. Kump, and Z. Lu, 2018. Late inception of a resiliently oxygenated upper ocean, Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.aar5372.
32. Li Jin, P.G. Whitehead, H.J.E. Rodda, I. Macadam, S. Sarkar, 2018. RCP Climate Change Impacts of Flows and Water Quality in the Mahanadi River System, India. Science of the Total Environment 637-638, 907-917.
31. Li Jin, P.G. Whitehead, K. Appeaning Addo, B. Amisigo, I. Macadam and T. Janes, J. Crossman, R.J. Nicholls, M. McCartney and H.J.E. Rodda, 2018. Modelling future flows of the Volta River System: Impacts of climate change and socio-economic changes. Science of the Total Environment 637-638, 1069-1080.
30. Whitehead, P.G., L. Jin, I. Macadam, T. Janes, S. Sarkar, H.J.E. Rodda, R. Sinha and R.J. Nicholls, 2018. Modelling transboundary impacts of RCP8.5 climate change and socio-economic change of flow and water quality of the Ganga, Brahmaputra, Meghna, Hooghly and Mahanadi river systems in India and Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment 636, 1362-1372.
29. Khan, S., R. Sinha, P.G. Whitehead, S. Sarkar, L. Jin and M.N. Futter, 2018. Flows and sediment dynamics in the Ganga river under present and future climate scenarios. Hydrological Sciences Journal 63, 763-782.
28. Gutchess, K.M.*, L. Jin, J.L. Ledesma, J. Crossman, C. Kelleher, L.K. Lautz, Z. Lu, 2017. Long-term climatic and anthropogenic impact on stream water salinity in New York State: INCA simulations offer cautious optimism. Environmental Science and Technology, 10.1021/acs.est.7b04385.
27. Crossman, J., M.N. Futter, M. Palmer, P.G. Whitehead, H.M. Baulch, D. Woods, L. Jin, S.K. Oni, P.J. Dillon, 2016. The effectiveness and resilience of phosphorus management practices in the Lake Simcoe watershed, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. DOI: 10.1002/2015JG003253.
26. Jackson-Blake, L.A., A.J. Wade, M.N. Futter, D. Butterfield, R.M. Couture, B.A. Cox, J. Crossman, P. Ekholm, S.J. Halliday, L. Jin, D.S.L. Lawrence, A. Lepistö, Y. Lin, K. Rankinen, P.G. Whitehead, 2016. The INtegrated CAtchment model of phosphorus dynamics (INCA-P): Description and demonstration of new model structure and equations. Environmental Modelling & Software 83, 356–386.
25. Gutchess, K.*, L. Jin, L.K. Lautz, S.B. Shaw, X. Zhou, Z. Lu, 2016. Chloride sources in urban and rural headwater catchments, central New York. Science of the Total Environment 565, 462-472.
24. Jin, L., P.G. Whitehead, C.M. Heppell, K. Lansdown, D.A. Purdie, M. Trimmer, 2016. Modelling flow and inorganic nitrogen dynamics on the Hampshire Avon: Linking upstream processes to downstream water quality. Science of the Total Environment 572, 1496-1506.
23. Jin, L., W.M. Edmunds, Z. Lu, J. Ma, 2015. Geochemistry of sediment moisture in the Badain Jaran desert: Implications of recent environmental changes and water-rock interaction. Applied Geochemistry 63, 235-247.
22. Lu, Q., A.C. Johnson, M.D. Jürgens, A. Sweetman, L. Jin, P.G. Whitehead, 2015. The distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the River Thames Catchment under the scenarios of climate change. Science of the Total Environment 533, 187–195.
21. Jin, L., P.G. Whitehead, S. Sarkar, R. Sinha, M.N. Futter, D. Butterfield, J. Caesar. 2015. Assessing the impacts of climate change and socio-economic changes on flow and phosphorus flux in the Ganga River System. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17, 1098-1110.
20. Whitehead, P.G., S. Sarkar, L. Jin, M.N. Futter, J. Caesar, E. Barbour, D. Butterfield, R. Sinha R. Nicholls, C. Hutton, H.D. Leckie. 2015. Dynamic modeling of the Ganga River System: Impacts of future climate and socio-economic change on flows and nitrogen fluxes in India and Bangladesh. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17, 1082-1097.
19. Whitehead, P.G., E. Barbour, M.N. Futter, S. Sarkar, H. Rodda, J. Caesar, D. Butterfield, L. Jin, R. Sinha, R. Nicholls, M. Salehin. 2015. Impacts of climate change and socio-economic scenarios on flow and water quality of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna (GBM) river systems: low flow and flood statistics. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17, 1057-1069.
18. Crossman, J., M. N. Futter, P. G. Whitehead, E. Stainsby, H. M. Baulch, L. Jin, S. K. Oni, R. L. Wilby, P. J. Dillon. 2014. Flow pathways and nutrient transport mechanisms drive hydrochemical sensitivity to climate change across catchments with different geology and topography. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18, 5125-5148.
17. Whitehead, P.G., L. Jin, J. Crossman, S. Comber, P.J. Johnes, P. Daldorph, N. Flynn, A.L. Collins, D. Butterfield, R.Mistry, R. Bardone, L. Pope, R.Willows. 2014. Distributed and dynamic modelling of hydrology, phosphorus and ecology in the Hampshire Avon and Blashford Lakes: Evaluating alternative strategies to meetWFD standards. Science of the Total Environment 481, 157–166.
16. Jin, L., P.G. Whitehead, M. Hadjikakou. 2013. A Study of the Yesilirmak River Catchment in Northern Turkey: Spatial Patterns and Temporal Trends in Water Quality. Journal of Environmental Protection 4, 104-120.
15. Whitehead, P.G., J. Crossman, B. B. Balana, M. N. Futter, S. Comber, L. Jin, D. Skuras, A. J. Wade, M. J. Bowes and D. S. Read. 2013. A cost-effectiveness analysis of water security and water quality: impacts of climate and land-use change on the River Thames system. Philosophical Transactions The Royal Society A 371, 20120413. (doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0413)
14. Jin, L., P.G. Whitehead, H.M. Baulch, P.J. Dillon, D.A. Butterfield, S.K. Oni, M.N. Futter, J. Crossman, and E.M. O’Connor. 2013. Modelling phosphorus in Lake Simcoe and its subcatchments: scenario analysis to assess alternative management strategies. Inland Waters 3 (2), 207-220.
13. Baulch, H.M., M.N. Futter., L. Jin, P.G. Whitehead, D.T. Woods, P.J. Dillon, D.A. Butterfield, S.K. Oni, L.P. Aspden, E.M. O’Connor, J. Crossman. 2013. Phosphorus dynamics across intensively monitored subcatchments in the Beaver River. Inland Waters 3(2), 187-206.
12. Crossman, J., P.G. Whitehead, M.N. Futter, L. Jin, M. Shahgedanova, M. Castellazzi, A.J. Wade. 2013. The interactive responses of water quality and hydrology to changes in multiple stressors, and implications for the long-term effective management of phosphorus. Science of the Total Environment 454–455, 230–244.
11. Crossman, J., M.N. Futter, S.K. Oni, P.G. Whitehead, L. Jin, D. Butterfield, H.M. Baulch, P.J. Dillon. 2013. Impacts of climate change on hydrology and water quality: Future proofing management strategies in the Lake Simcoe watershed, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research 39 (1), 19–32.
10. Jin, L., D.I. Siegel, L.K. Lautz and Z. Lu. 2012. Identifying streamflow sources during spring snowmelt using water chemistry and isotopic composition in semi-arid mountain streams. Journal of Hydrology, 470–471, 289–301.
9. Jin, L., P.G. Whitehead, M.N. Futter and Z. Lu. 2012. Modelling the impacts of climate change on flow and nitrate of the River Thames: Assessing potential adaptation strategies. Hydrology Research, 43(6), 902-916.
8. Whitehead, P.G., L. Jin§, H.M Baulch, D.A. Butterfield, S.K. Oni, P. J. Dillon, M.N. Futter, A.J. Wade, R. North, E.M.O. Connor and H.P. Jarvie. 2011. Modelling phosphorus dynamics in multi-branch river systems: A study of the Black river, Lake Simcoe, Canada. Science of the Total Environment, 412–413: 315–323. (§ denotes corresponding author)
7. Hadjikakou M.*, P.G. Whitehead, L. Jin§, M.N. Futter, P. Hadjinicolaou and M. Shahgedanova. 2011. Modeling Nitrogen in the Yeşilırmak River Catchment in Northern Turkey: Impacts of Future Climate and Environmental Change and Implications for Nutrient Management. Science of the Total Environment, 409: 2404-2418. (§ denotes corresponding author)
6. Jin, L., Whitehead, P.G., Siegel, D.I. and Findley, S. 2011. Salting our Landscape: An Integrated Catchment Model Using Readily Accessible Data to Assess Emerging Road Salt Contamination to Streams. Environmental Pollution, 159: 1257-1265.
5. Jin, L. and Edmunds, W.M., 2010. A new immiscible displacing liquid for extracting interstitial water from unsaturated sediments and soils, Vadose Zone Journal, 9:1–7. doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0019.
4. Jin, L., D.I. Siegel, L.K. Lautz, M.J. Mitchell, D. Dahms, B. Mayer. 2010. Calcite precipitation driven by the common ion effect during groundwater-surface water mixing: a potentially common process in streams with geologic settings containing gypsum, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 122, 1027-1038. doi: 10.1130/B30011.1.
3. Jin, L., D.I. Siegel, L.K. Lautz, M.H. Otz. 2009. Transient Storage and downstream solute transport in nested stream reaches impacted by beaver dams, Hydrological Process, 23, 2438-2449.
2. Ji, J.F., J. Chen, L. Jin, W.C. Zhang, W.L. Balsam, H.Y. Lu. 2004. Relating magnetic susceptibility (MS) to the simulated Thematic Mapper (TM) bands of the Chinese loess: Application of TM image for soil MS mapping on Loess Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.109, No.B5, B05102.
1. Jin, L., J.F. Ji, W.L. Balsam, Y. Chen, J. Chen, H.Y. Lu. 2003. Determining magnetic susceptibility in loess-paleosol sections by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, No. 10, 1520.